My Synopsis: Anna, a New York city girl who is very accustomed to her privileged life with her boyfriend Jeremy decides to take things into her own hands, After many years of earnestly awaiting a marriage proposal to no prevail she decides to pursue a family and Celtic tradition by proposing to her boyfriend on February 29 in Dublin where he is currently at a conference. On her way to Dublin she meets a charming young innkeeper in a local town. Her venture to Dublin takes an untimely detour and she is left evaluating her original plans.
Director: Anand Tucker
Producer(s): Gary Barber, Chris Bender, Roger Birnbaum, Jonathan Glickman, Jake Weiner
Writer: Harry Elfont, Deborah Kaplan
Cast: Amy Adams, Matthew Goode, Adam Scot, John Lithgow
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Anna Brady (Amy Adams) is a stager who resides in Boston and is desperate to make her mark as a top shelf stagist along side her high-powered cardiologist boyfriend Jeremy (Adam Scott). They have been dating for four years and share many common goals and dreams, one goal being to purchase the most fabulous condo in the best building in Boston and Anna's dream is to be married.
Anna was at the tailors getting her dress made for their upcoming anniversary dinner when one of her friends rushes in to tell her she just saw Jeremy coming out of an elite jewellary store holding a shopping bag. You can imagine her excitement after hearing that news, thinking that the proposal will finally happen, she even practices her 'will you marry me' face with her friend.
Well after a lovely, romantic, delicious anniversary dinner and a gorgeous pair of diamond earrings later, Jeremy had to hurry off to his Cardiology Convention in Dublin. Anna was left at the restaurant disheartened.
Anna sat in her apartment reflecting on the event the night before when she recalls a recent conversation with Jack, her dad (John Lithgow), about a old family and also a very well known Celtic tradition where a woman can propose to a man in a leap year on February 29. With this in mind she takes a leap of faith and decides to fly to Dublin to propose to Jeremy.
An awfully turbulent flight has caused her flight to be detoured to Cardiff, Wales, a small town miles away from Dublin. In her desperate attempt to get to Dublin before the February 29 she hires a tugboat to take her across despite the severe storms, of course this boat can not handle the choppy seas and the skipper had to make yet another detour to drop her off at another small town called Dingle also in Wales and also many miles away from where she needs to be.
Anna who is now drenched and exhausted but still tries to remain optimistic walks to the nearest building she can see which so happens to be a rundown local pub/inn where she meets a tall, egotistic, and slightly uncouth man named Declan (Matthew Goode). Anna is desperate to get out of this town and requires a taxi service. It just so happens that Declan is the owner of the pub and also the local taxidriver. Anna and Declan come to a monetary compromise in the end after much debate and off they go, in a banged up old red Renault.
A series of misadventures occur whilst on their way to Dublin, stolen luggage, a fight to get the luggage back, a few compromising nights stay with very religious owners of a Bed and Breakfast, an inadvertent invite to a wedding and more. They eventually arrive by bus in Dublin, where Anna is reunited with Jeremy. They share a very momentous event which in effort will change Anna's world entirely. Anna and Jeremy have finished up in Dublin and head back to their fancy new apartment to celebrate. During the party Anna regrettably finds out a disturbing truth to Jeremy's intentions and a disheartened Anna pulls the fire alarm in the apartment in a bid to end the party and as the guests evacuate Anna herself decides to evacuate out of the relationship.
After the whole incident with Jeremy, Anna decides to follow her heart back to Dingle. Suffice it to say this story ends in a proposal of a more favourable outcome.
I felt this movie was extremely cliche. Nothing really grabbed me in this movie except the scenery. I suppose there were some parts in the movie that were mediocre funny to watch but I think in all there was just too many mishaps for Amy Adams character, and quite frankly I was getting fed up of her being portrayed as yet another ditsy leading lady. Matthew Goodes' terrible Irish accent overshadowed his charming good looks on this occasion. The small and pointless role of John Lithgow in the movie was well pointless, more like a filler than adding any substance to the movie. It wasn't a terrible movie it was an average movie, nothing to get excited about but something you can have in the background while ironing the clothes.
Regards, S